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We will rewrite a story, draw a castle today, record a video, and analyze the characteristics of princesses. All this with the aim of integrating feminism into our lives. That is, to reconstruct the idea of feminism through roles and think about how would a princess be today. Our forum will be the platform to share our learning and work with our peers. It is important to share different experiences with this task. Why did we choose to make a forum? Because the forum is an area where users share thoughts, ideas, or help by posting text messages. Forums are different from chat because it is seldom live and can be read at any time.

We will form teams of four people to develop our task. Each member will have an important task to perform during his/her participation. It is significantly important a good preparation of each individual work to have a wonderful result. Each student will have to take on one of these professions, and will, therefore, have to do his or her job. That is to say, we have the following roles:

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